Dogue De Bordeaux

Dogue puppy sleeping
Knowing how to tube-feed can be a lifesaver when you are faced with a litter of orphaned puppies.
A breeder roundtable with Nik Burnikell and Becky Swainston (Emberez, UK), Bart and Cressy De Croo (Van De Paterhoek, Belgium), Jan and Sonja Dijkstra (De Legeane, Netherlands) and Cindy and Mark McElderry (Northland, USA).

One thing everyone agrees on: This is "unauthorized" white, according to the Dogue standard. Photo: Sanna Sander.
A recent dust-up about American judges disqualifying a Dogue for white on the chest suggests that the breed standard could use some clarification.
Reluctant to leave their two Dogues de Bordeaux at home, a Russian couple rents a motorhome and takes a journey of almost 5,000 miles across Europe.
Reluctant to leave their two Dogues de Bordeaux at home, a Russian couple rents a motorhome and takes a journey of almost 5,000 miles across Europe.
The 1989 film starring Tom Hanks introduced the Dogue to the American public.
It is quite possible that without French schoolteacher Raymond Triquet, the Dogue de Bordeaux would not have survived the 20th Century.
Black mask Dogue
Black-nose Dogues de Bordeaux are mistaken for Bullmastiffs, and the color may one day disappear from the breed due to lack of interest and appreciation.
Bubba the therapy Dogue
Tag along with a very special Dogue de Bordeaux as he makes the rounds at a Boston children's hospital, dispensing cheer and hope along the way.
Longtime French breeder René Brochier follows the ups and downs of the Dogue de Bordeaux.
Chelsea Conway talks about the challenges of breeding this unique Molosser, and the roadblocks and heartaches that made her contemplate walking away. But all it takes is a promising puppy to fan the flames of hope ... 
