Standards are open to interpretation. Except when they’re not.
Chill out, Godzilla and Kong. When it comes to great rivals in the dog world, the historic arm-wrestling match is between the Neapolitan Mastiff and the Cane Corso.
Canine multifocal retinopathy, also known as cmr, is a genetic condition that affects the eyes of various dog breeds.
The Near East is the geographical region that stretches from the eastern shore of the Mediterranean (modern Israel, Lebanon and Syria) to the Zagros Mountains that form the western edge of the Iranian plateau, as far north as Anatolia (modern Turk

Photo: Natascha Den Herder

Graphic from the SABBS Illustrated Breed Standard Terminology sheet. How many numbers can you correctly identify? (Scroll down to the bottom of the story for answers.)
When we hear about appraisals, we usually think about calculating a monetary value for a parcel of real estate or a fine piece of jewelry.

Your eyes may see tan points, but the genetics say otherwise.
Words matter. And never is this truer than in a breed standard, where misinterpretation of phrases and even individual words can have unintended consequences. Consider the color disqualification in the AKC Cane Corso standard:

Photo: Natascha Den Herder

Graphic from the SABBS Illustrated Breed Standard Terminology sheet. How many numbers can you correctly identify? (Scroll down to the bottom of the story for answers.)

Your eyes may see tan points, but the genetics say otherwise.

New and Noteworthy


This "Russian Bloodhound" (or maybe "Bavarian Boar Hound") was once considered the biggest dog in the world.

No photographs of Evelaine exist. This illustration was generated with AI.
Devastated by the monarch's death, this royal dog kept a years-long vigil.

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