Tails, You Lose
The docking of tails and cropping of ears are all but extinct in certain parts of Europe. Are U.S. breeders feeling the pinch?
The docking of tails and cropping of ears are all but extinct in certain parts of Europe. Are U.S. breeders feeling the pinch?
Stumped by "slightly convergent upper longitudinal axes"? Specialist judge Massimo Inzoli demystifies the skull and muzzle planes in the Cane Corso.
Sighthound enthusiast Rhoda Winter Russell explains her unlikely love affair with the Neapolitan Mastiff.
Dr. Raul Zeballos, a fancier of 60 years, lauds the "King of the Pampas" ... and tells how he acquired his Dogo Argentinos, the first in North America, from the creator of the breed.
More than a quarter-century after his death, revisiting Mario Querci of Ponzano fame, one of the world's most influential mastinari.
Pam McClintock looks back at the Night Dog, and compares him to today's modern Bullmastiff.
Nine Bullmastiff breeder-judges from around the world share their impressions of the breed.