New Stories

'Grandeur and Good Nature'

Modern Molosser asked six Mastiff breeders from around the world for their opinions on the state of the breed today. Here are their responses.

Got Ink?

When Modern Molosser sent out a call for our “Got Ink?” contest, we were inundated with a dazzling array of body art. Check out these tats!

Betty Baxter at Farnaby in 1975.

Talking With ... Betty Baxter

Janine Morffew interviews the long-time Mastiff breeder-judge and author.

Tu-Bo, a very influential Nepalese import to Europe in the late 1970s and early ’80s.

Typing Away

Marta Kowalska of Poland discusses stylistic schisms that threaten to divide Tibetan Mastiff fanciers.
