
Mastiffs rule as the AKC Museum of the Dog opens in Manhattan.
Not only are Mastiffs addictive ... breed collectibles are, too! Gabrielle Simmonds of Australia shares her collection.

Mastiff in plaster, sculpted by Bolté more than 40 years ago.
Damara Bolté immortalized Mastiffs on her lead, and in her art.
Massimo Inzoli visits the London Museum to find Molosserdom’s Holy Grail.
The Cane Corso and Neapolitan Mastiff fanciers are in a tug-of-war over ancient images, with each arguing they reflect their respective breed.
The 18th-Century fountain at the royal palace of Caserta depicts a very modern-looking Cane Corso.
Artist Monika Paruzel of Poland loves painting dogs. But the Dogo Argentino has a special place in her heart ... and on her easel.
Richard Andsell’s 1865 painting “The Poacher at Bay” depicts a Mastiff-type dog deterring a game-stealing intruder
This ancient Roman statue of a cropped Molosser, called the Jennings Dog, is named after its 18th-Century English owner, Henry Constantine Jennings.
Pier Giovanni Staderini and friends
Tuscan painter and ceramicist Pier Giovanni Staderini has a  far-ranging style, from abstract works to curvaceous studies of the female form that are as brooding as they are sensuous. The Neapolitan Mastiff occupies a special place in his heart – and on his easel. 
