Molosser Moment #20
Henry Jennings saves a Molosser treasure
Got Molosser? This stunning statue of a cropped dog dates back to ancient Rome. Photo: Marie-Lan Nguyen (2011)
Alas, Jennings was forced to sell the dog to settle gambling debts in 1778. “A fine dog it was, and a lucky dog was I to purchase it,” he sighed. For the next 150 years, the dog stood sentinel at a Yorkshire mansion; in 1925, the estate was rented to a school for girls, who reportedly fed it their unwanted Marmite sandwiches. In 2001, the Houston Museum tried to purchase the statue for just under $1 million, but in a surge of nationalism the export license was delayed to allow the British Museum to raise the necessary funds. Molosser fans can find the 3½-foot-tall statue permanently on display in the London Museum’s Gallery 22.
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Tue, 10/20/2015 - 7:47pm