The color schism in this rare breed recently set Facebook ablaze. But all’s well that ends well.

Adalena Serra do Barbanza, a Spanish import owned by Crystal Kaiser.
The Pyrenean Mastiff is headed for AKC’s Miscellaneous class in June 2024.
Some musings on the American Kennel Club's impending culture clash with the Dogo Argentino.

AKC-registered Boerboel must have pedigrees that pass a litmus test.
Can you get your South African-bred Boerboel registered with the American Kennel Club? It depends on what's in that pedigree.

Boerboel registrations were on the upswing in 2018, along with many other Molosser breeds.
On the American Kennel Club's newly released list of its most popular breeds for 2018, most Molossers either maintained their rankings, or in some cases even moved up.
Mastiffs rule as the AKC Museum of the Dog opens in Manhattan.
A Bullmastiff with no tail? A larger Cane Corso? A Shar-Pei on steroids? No, it's a Boerboel, and those unfamiliar with the breed have a large learning curve.

Tibetan Mastiff and Dogue de Bordeaux: Brothers from a different mother? Photo by Sanna Sander
What are the 20 breeds slated for the proposed AKC Molosser Group? Which breeds desperately want in -- and which ones want out? 
