Did you just really say that? Photo by Sanna Sander
Ready, set, groan: Every Molosser owner can relate to these "I can't believe they asked that" questions about the dog at the end of their leash.
A new genetic study shows how many Molosser breeds are related, but tossed the Tibetan Mastiff from that family tree.
Your faithful publisher watching Neapolitan Mastiffs at Crufts. Photo: Sonja Smidova
A newbie to Britain's biggest dog show shares her impressions of its Molossers - not to mention a Cornish pasty
Head study of Turk the Dogue de Bordeaux at Tring.
The taxidermied-dog gallery in Britain’s Natural History Museum has some surprising Molossers – including Mastiffs and Dogues – in the mix.
Dane or Mastino? At first glance, it's not quite clear
Is a fetish for the Neapolitan Mastiff ruining the Great Dane in Europe?
Tibetan Mastiff and Dogue de Bordeaux: Brothers from a different mother? Photo by Sanna Sander
What are the 20 breeds slated for the proposed AKC Molosser Group? Which breeds desperately want in -- and which ones want out?Â
Kay Reil of Bramstoke Bullmastiffs reminds that timing is everything when rearing young Molossers: Early socialization is a must.
His Excellency President Kevin Baugh greets Molossia tourists, and stamps their passports. There were 48 visitors in 2015, one of whom was actor Jack Black.
Move over, ancient Epirus. The modern nation of Molossia exists in Dayton, Nevada -- and Molosser dogs are more than welcome.
The DragonVale app, in which players raise and rear virtual serpents, has some uncanny parallels to breeding Molossers - or any purebred dog, for that matter.
Sanna Sander of Gaslundavägen, Sweden, a long-time contributor to Modern Molosser, talks about what makes Molossers so special to photograph.