
No one wants a Bullmastiff who trashes the house, or your serenity. Here's how to raise one.
No one wants  Bullmastiff who trashes the house, or your serenity. Here's how to raise one.
Tibetan Mastiffs have been bred for thousands of years to work around people, not with them. Here's how to rewire their primitive instincts.
A long-time Mastiff owner and trainer shares her advice for teaching Molossers to chill when the doorbell rings.
Kay Reil of Bramstoke Bullmastiffs reminds that timing is everything when rearing young Molossers: Early socialization is a must.

Having clear, consistent boundaries creates well-adjusted dogs.
Navigating fear periods in young dogs, as well as a Molosser's inherent aloofness, can be challenges for owners. Obedience training is the answer.
Dogo Argentino ready for a walk
Molossers take their patrolling function very seriously, and walks are an important outlet for that.
Molosser owners often encounter "breedism" when they join training classes with more "traditional" breeds. Learn what Sharron Mischefski of New Zealand did to overcome these stereotypes -- and turn her once recalcitrant Bullmastiff into a non-stop dog who's dying to work for her!
The fidelity and stoicism of the Molosser are traits that endear the breed to those who know them best.
The fidelity and stoicism of the Molosser are traits that endear the breed to those who know them best. Respected trainer Mona Lindau describes the Molosser's deeply entrenched guard instinct – and theorizes about its biological origins.
Mastiff fancier Virginia Wind explains how public displays of affection toward Mastiffs can sometimes backfire, with tragic results.
Who says Molossers don't have what it takes to excel in everything from agility to flyball? Meet these supersized movers and shakers!