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His Excellency President Kevin Baugh greets Molossia tourists.
His Excellency President Kevin Baugh greets Molossia tourists, and stamps their passports. There were 48 visitors in 2015, one of whom was actor Jack Black.

All Hail, Molossia!

Move over, ancient Epirus. The modern nation of Molossia exists in Dayton, Nevada -- and Molosser dogs are more than welcome.

Neapolitan Mastiff
In American show rings, Neapolitan Mastiffs are often relegated to the sidelines because many judges are simply not knowledgeable or comfortable enough to reward them.

No Respect

Neapolitan Mastiffs are often relegated to the sidelines because many judges are simply not knowledgeable or comfortable enough to reward them.

Jack the Mastiff at his "Snoring Grounds"

War Dog

In 1899, this Mastiff from Maine became an official military mascot during the Spanish-American War, ranking him among the first documented war dogs in American history.


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